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Download Free Ebook Liquidity, Markets and Trading in Action

Microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance, and information systems as they relate to trade, liquidity, and market structure are four core topics covered in this open access book for business schools. It offers a thorough analysis of the effects of trading fees and other trading barriers, which the authors refer to as "frictions". Additionally, it offers students the chance to practice trading in various market structures and scenarios using the interactive simulation model of equities market trading known as TraderEx. By addressing these issues, the simulation offers students an engaging experiential learning opportunity that sheds insight on how a real-world financial market functions. Authors: Deniz Ozenbas , Michael S. Pagano , Robert A. Schwartz , Bruce W. Weber Every chapter has been written with the intention that it can be used independently in an existing course in economics, finance, or information science. Online resources for instructors include discussion topics, Po

Download Quantitative Models in Life Science Business (Free)

This open access book takes an interdisciplinary approach to examine the life science business sector. The book describes value creation, value maintenance, and value realization in the life sciences as a sequence of processes using the quantitative language of applied mathematics. These tools are applied to pharmaceutical and biotechnology business endeavors. The articles, which were written by professionals from a range of disciplines, give a fresh look at life sciences economics by illuminating the change from a deterministic to a stochastic view of the processes involved.  The book discusses issues including licensing in the pharmaceutical industry, outsourcing pharmaceutical R&D, and stochastic modeling of a pharmaceutical supply chain. Other subjects covered in the book include valuing and maintaining intellectual property in the life sciences. The book will interest economics academics. Download Quantitative Models in Life Science Business (Free) Please check our service , i

Jasa Perbantuan Publikasi Journal

Untuk mencari jasa perbantuan publikasi jurnal nasional apalagi yang terindeks SINTA dan cepat terbit itu cukup susah, apalagi yang scopus. Selambat-lambatnya waktu yang paling dibutuhkan itu sekitar 4 bulan sampai satu tahun lamanya. Karena jurnal biasanya itu terbit secara berkala dalam kurun waktu 3, 4, 6 bulanan, atau bahkan tahunan. Supaya cepat terbit, maka dibutuhkan jasa perbantuan publikasi jurnal nasional yang terbit bulanan. Tapi stay chill , dengan bantuan jasa perbantuan publikasi jurnal nasional terindeks sinta kami. Itu semua mudah diatasi Journal Sinta 2 LoA 1-2 Minggu sampai 1 bulan jadi, publish 3 bulanan Journal Sinta 3 LoA 1-2 Minggu jadi, publish monthly Journal Sinta 4 LoA 1-2 Minggu jadi, publish monthly Sinta 5 LoA 2 Minggu Jadi, publish monthly All Service Publikasi Journal Internasional terindeks EBSCO, Copernicus, google scholar, DOI dll LoA 1-2 Minggu Jadi, publish monthly Pembuatan Journal dari 0 pun diterima, (dari karya ilmiah terakhir ya, bukan joki tapi

Jasa Mengurangi Plagiat Turnitin

Mengurangi   similarity index   plagiasi Turnitin dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, salah satunya adalah   Parafrase . Parafrase adalah penulisan ulang sebuah kalimat untuk menghasilkan susunan kata baru dengan tetap mempertahankan substansi. Bingung? Berikut contoh parafrase: Kalimat Asli: Budi dan Doni menendang Bola sampai masuk ke gawang. Mega bintang Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, sempat mengaku dirinya tak pernah melakukan kewajibannya sebagai seorang muslim yakni menunaikan salat. For now, the Fed is expected to increase rates by a quarter of a percentage point at its May 2-3 meeting, taking its benchmark overnight interest rate to the 5.00%-5.25% range, a level not seen since just before the onset of recession in the fall of 2007. Kalimat Paraphrase: Bola ditendang dan gol tercipta oleh Budi dan Doni. Artis terkenal Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, pernah memberikan keterangan bahwa dirinya sempat tidak melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai seseorang yang beragama islam yaitu melaksanakan sa

Jasa Olah Data Statistik

Jasa Olah Data Kami Bergaransi 100% Uang Kembali,  Jasa kami meliputi analisa data statistik yang terdiri dari Analisa regresi, korelasi, anova. menggunakan software SPSS, Amos, Lisre, Eviews, Stata, Smart pls.  Pengerjaan Cepat dan Tepat  Pengerjaan bisa dalam hitungan jam sesuai dengan tingkat kesulitannya, paling lambat satu minggu.   Dikerjakan Oleh Profesional Tim profesional dan berpengalaman selama bertahun-tahun dalam mengerjakan olah data.  Biaya Terjangkau dan Proporsional Biaya terjangkau dan sesuai dengan yang Anda perlukan. Garansi Uang Kembali Garansi uang kembali tanpa syarat bila tim kami gagal memenuhi pesanan Anda.  Menerima Olah Data Apapun Olah data manual ataupun menggunakan aplikasi, kami siap membantu. Bikin Hasil Lolos Uji Sesuai Keinginan Bila data Anda tidak lolos uji (uji prasyarat / asumsi klasik maupun uji signifikansi dan lainnya), Tim kami siap membuat hasilnya menjadi lolos tentu dengan metode transformasi data yang sesuai kaidah, tambah variabel, atau

Download Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Digital Finance

In digitalization era, banks and financial organizations are rushing their digital transformation. As part of this revolution, financial organizations produce extraordinary quantities of data about their financial and insurance procedures while using unconventional digital technologies (e.g., big data, AI, Internet of Things (IoT)) to gather, study, and fully leverage the generated data assets [1]. Furthermore, recent regulatory developments (e.g., the 2nd Payment Services Directive (PSD2) in Europe) [2] facilitate the sharing of data across financial organizations to enable the development of innovative digital finance services based on novel business models. The latter aim at lowering the barriers for new market players (e.g., payment service providers (PSPs) in the PSD2 context) to develop and roll out new services in ways that increase clients’ fulfilment and generate new income streams. Overall, financial and insurance groups take benefit of big data and IoT technologies with th

Download Multivariate Statistical Analysis in the Real and Complex Domains

Today, ELC would love to share an eBook entitled Multivariate Statistical Analysis in the Real and Complex Domains written by Arak M. Mathai, Serge B. Provost, & Hans J. Haubold and published by Springer. Multivariate statistical analysis occasionally proves to be a difficult subject for students. The problem arises in part from the reliance on several types of symbols namely subscripts, superscripts, bars, tildes, bold-face characters, lower- and uppercase Roman and Greek letters, etc. However, resorting to such notations is necessary in order to refer to the various quantities involved such as scalars and matrices either in the real or complex domain. The first author was seeking means of making the study of multivariate analysis more accessible and enjoyable. There are several Special Features that I’d like to point out from the book: 1. Its most distinctive feature is its development of a parallel theory of multivariate analysis in the complex domain side by side with the